Overview :
Centralized Dependency Management (parent POM/BOM)
Configuration * Basic security
Global Error Handling
Actuator endpoints for monitoring
Health checks for application status
JWT-based security
Spring Boot Starter:
The core module that initializes and configures the Spring Boot application, providing the framework for developing REST APIs efficiently.
Embedded Tomcat server
Dependency management
Spring Web :
This module provides the necessary components to create RESTful web services using Spring MVC.
DispatcherServlet for handling requests
RESTful endpoint creation using @RestController
JSON (de)serialization with Jackson
Spring Data JPA :
This module simplifies data access and persistence using Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate.
Repository pattern implementation
Simplified CRUD operations
Pagination and sorting
Spring Security with JWT :
This module secures the REST API endpoints using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication and authorization.
User authentication using JWT tokens .
Secured endpoints with role-based access control .
Token generation and validation .
SecurityConfig: Configures security settings, corsConfig and JWT filter . Class OncePerRequestFilter: Filter base class that aims to guarantee single- execution per request dispatch, on any servlet container .
Health Checks :
Includes endpoints to provide health status of the application, ensuring it is running properly.
Built-in /actuator/health endpoint
Customizable endpoints
CustomHealthIndicator: Example of a custom health check to monitor specific components or services.
So, this is something very important and useful for building any Spring boot Applications.
Thank You!!!